The sermons at St. Hilda St. Patrick are preached by lay and clergy ministers alike. Text, audio, and video availability vary from week to week. Click through below to read, watch, or listen to the latest sermons.
- February 16: The Sixth Sunday after the EpiphanyAs a cradle Episcopalian, I am deeply uncomfortable with binary choices. To me, God is mystery and wonder – Kind of like a multiverse that I’ll never totally grasp. So today’s readings are kinda uncomfortable for me -they’re full of binary comparisons. Dead or not dead? Raised or not raised? Rich or poor? Happy or… Read more: February 16: The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
- February 9: The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
- February 2: The Presentation of Our LordLord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, *according to thy word;For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, *which thou hast prepared before the face of all people,To be a light to lighten the Gentiles, *and to be the glory of thy people Israel. Despite Cranmer’s expectationthat worship be in the common language –I… Read more: February 2: The Presentation of Our Lord
- January 26: The Third Sunday after the EpiphanyFrom the Common English Bible,“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,because the Lord has anointed me.He has sent me to preach good news to the poor,to proclaim release to the prisonersand recovery of sight to the blind,to liberate the oppressed,and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”This passage was appointed for this Sundayin… Read more: January 26: The Third Sunday after the Epiphany
- January 19: The Second Sunday after the EpiphanyDr. King said,“The arc of the moral universe is long,but it bends toward justice.”Y’all are familiar with that quote?When we take it out of its context –a Baptist minster doing worknot necessarily expectingto see the culmination –we may as well saywater just turns into winewhen you run out of wine. This passage from Johnthat we… Read more: January 19: The Second Sunday after the Epiphany