Serving on Sundays
Service to our wider community and to our St. Hilda St. Patrick family plays a significant part in our lives as Christians. We team up regularly with other local churches and other ministries to serve food to our hungry neighbors. We also collect school supplies and backpacks for homeless students and provide food baskets to help local families celebrate the Holidays and Easter. Recent Outreach projects have included a diaper drive, a soft toy drive, a blanket drive, a drive to donate to local food banks, and a protein drive. Information about this month’s service project is available on our News page.
Service has many guises and ministries: from playing or singing with the choir, preparing the altar with altar guild, beautifying the sanctuary with flower guild, to Sunday Hospitality, Spiritual Stitchers and gardening, there are many ways to be involved. Contact us if you’re interested in joining any of these ministries and would like more information.