Joseph Peters-Mathews

12 January 2020: The First Sunday After the Epiphany: The Baptism of our Lord

Whenever it rains, whenever you look out at the ocean, whenever you wash your hands (which you should do frequently, by the way), remember that you are God’s beloved, and there’s nothing you can do about it. No failure, no insult, nothing on earth can separate you from that love. You are washed by the water.

12 January 2020: The First Sunday After the Epiphany: The Baptism of our Lord Read More »

24 December 2019: Christmas Eve

God’s new reign is the heavenly Jerusalem coming to earth. And here at Christmas, we celebrate that heaven has come to earth as Jesus — fully God and fully human — is born.

The atonement for humanity, our at-one-ment, is when heaven arrives not in power and might, but in a cold, shivering, hungry, screaming baby, despite what “Silent Night” would have us believe.

24 December 2019: Christmas Eve Read More »