February 9: Weekly Prayers

Bless the people of this diocese, O Lover of Souls. Call us to greater devotion and service. Fan the  flame of the Holy Spirit in us, that we might be set ablaze with the fire of your love. Bless Sean, our  presiding bishop; Phil, our bishop; and Joseph, our vicar. We pray for the Anglican Church of Australia;  and for the faith communities of St. James, Kent; St. George, Maple Valley; and St. Luke’s, Renton. We  pray also for the congregation of All Saints Goshen, who worships in our building. 

God of new life, fill us with light.

Make known your ways of justice and truth, Almighty God. Bring the powers of this world to their  knees and establish your kingdom of peace on the earth. 

God of new life, fill us with light.

Loving Creator, do not abandon the works of your hands. Sustain this planet and all its beings. Give us  creative minds and generous hearts as we live and move within the world you have made.

God of new life, fill us with light.

We thank you for the communities in which we live and work and worship. Make us witnesses of your  love and faithfulness.  

God of new life, fill us with light.

True redeemer, nourish our works of faith. Help us find joy and beauty in our lives. Help us to stay  centered in you and adapt to challenges in life, school, and work. 

God of new life, fill us with light.

O God, you care for the lowly. You hear our cries for mercy. You increase the strength of the weak.  We offer prayers for those in need of your healing and grace: Alex; Vicky; Alec; Aria; Dale; Rick; Troy;  Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; Nancy; Sandy; Emily; Helen;  Verne; Tim; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

God of new life, fill us with light.

Gracious God, your love endures forever. We pray for those who have died, trusting them to your  everlasting care. Today we remember Giles; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.

God of new life, fill us with light.

Joyful God, we thank you for the loved ones celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week,  especially Peter; Kay; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

God of new life, fill us with light.


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