August 25: Weekly Prayers

God of heaven and earth, fill your church with your holy presence, and strengthen your servants with  your steadfast love. Bless Michael, our presiding bishop; Sean, our presiding bishop-elect; Melissa, our  bishop provisional; Phil, our bishop-elect; Joseph, our vicar; and all our church staff, leaders, and  volunteers. We pray for the Anglican Church of Mexico; and for these faith communities of our  diocese: the Community of the Lamb; the Brotherhood of St. Andrew; The Order of St. Francis; and  the Earth Ministry. We pray also for the congregation of All Saints Goshen, who worships in our  building. 

In your dwelling place. Hear us, O God.

God of justice, may the leaders of our nation put their trust in you, walk with integrity, and keep  before their eyes the needs of those people whom they are sworn to serve.

In your dwelling place. Hear us, O God.

God of peace, we thank you for this caring community of St. Hilda St. Patrick. May we grow in  affection and concern for one another, and boldly carry your message, in our actions and words, to  our neighbors. We pray for those who travel, and ask you to bring them safely home to us.

In your dwelling place. Hear us, O God.

God of wisdom, grant the gift of faith in you to all who seek the truth. 

In your dwelling place. Hear us, O God.

God of compassion, give comfort to all who face violence and disaster, who are driven from their  homes, and who suffer the loss of hope. 

In your dwelling place. Hear us, O God.

God of healing, we ask you to refresh and restore those who are in any need or trouble. We pray for  those who have commended themselves to our prayers: Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles;  Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; Will; Janette; Nancy; Sandy; John; Bill & Bridget; Carol; Debbie;  Alec; June; Maggie; Cynthia; Emily; Everett; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.

In your dwelling place. Hear us, O God.

God of eternity, we ask your mercy upon those who have died. Keep your promise, we pray, to  welcome into your courts those who have eaten the bread of life in faith and trust. Today we  remember Laura; Steve; Nancy; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

In your dwelling place. Hear us, O God.

God of joy, we thank you for our friends and loved ones, especially those who are celebrating  birthdays and anniversaries this week: Florella; Denice; and those we now name, either silently or  aloud. 

In your dwelling place. Hear us, O God.


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