August 18: Weekly Prayers

Faithful God, you are ever mindful of the covenant you made with your Church in baptism. Give us  grace to follow daily in the blessed steps of your son Jesus. We pray for our clergy, including Michael,  our presiding bishop; Sean, our presiding bishop-elect; Melissa, our bishop Provisional; Phil, our  bishop-elect; and Joseph, our vicar. We pray for the Anglican Church of Melanesia; for the Community  of the Paraclete; for the Little Sisters of St. Clare; and for the Third Order Society of St. Francis. We ask  your blessing upon the congregation of All Saints Goshen, who worships in our building.

At all times and for all things, wise God, we give you thanks.

Holy God, for the sake of this nation and for the world, give to our elected officials wise and  discerning minds. May all our works be done in truth and equity. Protect from harm all those running  for public office. 

At all times and for all things, wise God, we give you thanks.

Mighty Creator, your work is full of majesty and splendor. Give us the vision to look upon all you have  made with awe and wonder. We give you our thanks. 

At all times and for all things, wise God, we give you thanks.

Loving God, we praise you for the children in our lives and around the world. We pray that our hearts  might be humbled to learn from our youngest friends and neighbors what it means to be gracious,  compassionate, and filled with the spirit. 

At all times and for all things, wise God, we give you thanks.

Merciful God, great are your deeds and marvelous are your works. We pray for those in need of your  help and healing, trusting in your righteousness. Bless all who struggle with addiction and recovery,  especially those who meet in our building. We lift up to you those who have commended themselves to our prayers: Megan & Ben; Bill & Bridget; Carol; Kris; Debbie; Alec; June; Maggie; Cynthia; Emily;  Everett; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; Will; Janette; Nancy; Sandy; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

At all times and for all things, wise God, we give you thanks.

Lord Christ, Living Bread, you promise eternal life for all who eat of your body. Grant to us, and to all  who have died, eternal life in your heavenly kingdom. Today we remember Laura; Steve; Nancy; John;  and those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

At all times and for all things, wise God, we give you thanks.

Joyful God, we pray our thanksgiving for our loved ones and friends, especially newborn Tripp. Bless those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week: Barbara; Thomas; Wyatt; Suzanne; Gabriel;  Alec; Emilio & Carol; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

At all times and for all things, wise God, we give you thanks.


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