Christ Jesus, your prayer for your church is that we may be one as you and the Father are one. Sanctify us in your truth, and send us into the world as witnesses to your resurrection. Bless Michael, our presiding bishop; Melissa and Brian, our bishops; Joseph, our vicar; and the person who will be the next Bishop of Olympia. We pray for the Anglican Church of Burundi; and for the faith communities of Christ Church, Puyallup; St. Matthew’s, Brown’s Point, Tacoma; and All Saints, Tacoma. We pray also for the congregation of All Saints Goshen, who shares this space in worship of you.
You know everyone’s heart, show us your will.
God of justice, you know the way of the righteous. Rescue and correct all those who walk in the way of the wicked. Delight the hearts of your children with your perfect law.
You know everyone’s heart, show us your will.
Creator God, bless the fruit-bearing trees. Bless the streams. Give us eyes to see clearly the wonders of your universe.
You know everyone’s heart, show us your will.
Loving Jesus, you guard and protect your own. Bless those who, following in your ways, protect and care for society’s most vulnerable members, especially mothers and children. We pray for those recovery groups who meet in our building.
You know everyone’s heart, show us your will.
King of Glory, do not leave us comfortless, but send us your Holy Spirit to strengthen us. Comfort and heal all those in peril or need. We pray for those who have commended themselves to our prayers: Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; Kenneth; Will; Janette; Martha; Ellie; Josh; Nancy; Cynthia; Rhya; Amy; Adrienne, Peter, and their family; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.
You know everyone’s heart, show us your will.
God of splendor, you have given us eternal life and this life is in your Son, Jesus. May we, with those who have died, enjoy our life with you, now and forever. Today we remember Steve; Willie; Derek; Melanie; Gretchen; Izzy; Marcus; Keith; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.
You know everyone’s heart, show us your will.
God of joy, we thank you for our friends, especially those who are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week. Bless Aspen; Joseph & Brandon; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.
You know everyone’s heart, show us your will.