April 7: Weekly Prayers

God of truth, unite all who profess faith in Christ, and bless our fellowship. May your light shine through Michael, our presiding bishop; Melissa and Brian, our bishops; and Joseph, our vicar. We pray for the Episcopal Anglican Province of Alexandria, and for the faith communities of Grace and St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island; and St. Paul’s, Bremerton. 

Ordain your blessing, O God. Life for evermore.

God of reconciliation, we give thanks for those of our national leaders who promote our best interests. We pray you will enlighten those who exploit division and unrest. 

Ordain your blessing, O God. Life for evermore.

God of love, we thank you for this caring community of St. Hilda St. Patrick. Bless the recovery groups who meet in our building, and the congregation of All Saints Goshen. May our bounty continue to grow and spread beyond our walls. 

Ordain your blessing, O God. Life for evermore.

God of creation, make us faithful stewards of the good earth you have given us. Guide us in your way of justice and equity, to share what we harvest. 

Ordain your blessing, O God. Life for evermore.

God of compassion, make your healing presence felt with those who suffer in body, mind, and spirit. We pray for those who have commended themselves to our prayers: Jacob and his family; Ryan and Ruthie; Joe and Janet; Michael; Erin; Steve and Becky; Rosemary; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

Ordain your blessing, O God. Life for evermore.

God of splendor, we ask you to welcome into your glorious kingdom your servants who have departed from us. Show your mercy to all who have died. Today we remember Natasha; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

Ordain your blessing, O God. Life for evermore.

God of joy, we thank you for our friends, especially those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week, including Chelsea; Elliott; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

Ordain your blessing, O God. Life for evermore.


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