March 24: Weekly Prayers

 Jesus, Light of the World, we pray for your church, clergy, and lay leaders, especially Michael, Melissa,  Brian, Joseph, Kenneth, and all who work to create and sustain our church community. As we journey  through this Holy Week, bring us together in your love. We pray also for those who are preparing for  baptism, especially Stephanie. 

Holy One, we pray for St. Paul’s, Mount Vernon and La Iglesia Episcopal de la Resurrección, Mount  Vernon; for the All Saints Goshen congregation; for The Church of the Province of West Africa, and for  all for the recovery groups who meet in our building. 

Jesus, Light of the World, we bless you for our daily bread and all who work to provide our  sustenance—everyone who grows, harvests, prepares, and transports our food.

Loving God, we pray for the leaders of the world. May your loving grace instruct and guide them.

 Jesus, Light of the World, we pray for those who have little to eat, whose water is tainted, and whose  climate is brutal. 

Holy Spirit, we pray for essential workers and all those who are helpers in our communities.

Jesus, Light of the World, we pray for an end to terror and violence, remembering especially today  Gaza and Israel, Sudan, and Ukraine.

Merciful One, we pray for our own lives as citizens and neighbors. Keep us accountable.

Jesus, Light of the World, wrap your arms around those whose lives are torn apart by conflict, racism,  addiction, homelessness, incarceration, illness, and hopelessness. We ask your blessings especially  today for: Michael; Erin; Steve and Becky; Rosemary; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles;  Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; and those we pray for either silently or aloud.  

Gracious God, we pray for those who have left our earthly home and those who grieve, especially those we remember silently or aloud.  

Jesus, Light of the World, we thank you for the lives of those we love and care for, especially these  people celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week: Philip and Florella; Stephen; Todd; Leslie;  Bernie; Max; and those we name, either silently or aloud.  

 Creator God, we give you thanks for spring—flowers, pollen, sun and rain, mud, and the promise of  new life. 


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