January 28: Weekly Prayers

O God, you have made the church a family through the waters of baptism. Let us not sin against each  other, but instead build each other up in love. Bless, we pray, Michael, our presiding bishop; Melissa  and Brian, our bishops; and Joseph, our vicar. We pray for the Anglican Church of Southern Africa; and  for the faith communities of Misa Guadalupe, Renton; and St. John’s Sudanese, Tukwila. We ask your  blessing also upon the congregation of All Saints Goshen, who worships in our building.

You are full of compassion. Hear our prayer.

The works of your hands are faithfulness and justice. May the nations of the world be ruled by truth  and equity. Give us a vision of peace.

You are full of compassion. Hear our prayer.

All things are from you and exist for you. Give us ears to hear the words spoken on behalf of our  planet, and give us the will to be faithful stewards. 

You are full of compassion. Hear our prayer.

You sent your son to set us free from the unclean spirits that harass your people. Set us free from the  violence in our land, especially gun violence. By your grace, cast out hatred and anger. 

You are full of compassion. Hear our prayer.

You know those who love you. Show all the sick and suffering your marvelous works. Fills their hearts  with songs of praise. Bless those who struggle with addiction and recover, especially those who meet  in our building. We pray for those who have commended themselves to our prayers: Kathleen;  Rhonda; JoAnn; Connie; Helen, Mariam, and their family; Hannah; Deborah, Dona, and their family;  Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; and those we now  name, either silently or aloud.

You are full of compassion. Hear our prayer.

You have redeemed your people. Remember your covenant and care for your children forever, even  beyond death and the grave. We pray for those who have died, whom we now name, either silently  or aloud. 

You are full of compassion. Hear our prayer.

You have claimed vengeance as your own and have defeated death and the grave. We pray for the  soul of Kenneth Eugene Smith; the People and State of Alabama; all who die at the hands of their  state, and of ours; and an end to state-sponsored death. 

You are full of compassion. Hear our prayer.

You made us for yourself, and have brought us together through your sacraments. We thank you for  the friends celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week, especially Charlotte; and those we now  name, either silently or aloud. 

You are full of compassion. Hear our prayer.


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