December 31: Weekly Prayers

We pray to you, Our God, by the wedding of the human and divine natures in Christ Jesus. Glory and praise to you, our Living God.

We pray for Michael, our presiding bishop; Melissa and Brian, our bishops; Joseph, our priest; and the  person who will become the next Bishop of Olympia. Bless all who minister in Christ, and all the holy  people of God. Glory and praise to you, our Living God.

We pray for all believers who put their trust in the incarnate Son of God. Bless the Anglican Church of  Rwanda; and the faith communities of All Saints, Vancouver; and St. Anne’s, Washougal. Glory and praise to you, our Living God.

We pray for the leaders of all nations, and all in authority. Glory and praise to you, our Living God.

We thank you, O God, for the gift of faith. We ask you to extend faith in you to the whole human race. Glory and praise to you, our Living God.

We pray for travelers; for the sick and suffering; for the hungry and the oppressed; and for those in  prison. Bless all who struggle with addiction and recovery, especially those who meet in our building,  and for those who have commended themselves to our prayers: Hannah; Tiffany and her family;  Sharon; Deborah, Dona, and their family; Paul; Mary Lou; Matthew; James; Sara; Emilio; Ian; Barbara;  Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. Glory and praise to you, our Living God.

We ask your mercy for the dying and the dead. We pray especially for Monica; and those we now  name, either silently or aloud. Glory and praise to you, our Living God.

We pray for our deliverance from all affliction; strife; and need. Glory and praise to you, our Living God.

We pray for all who are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week, especially Philip; and those  we now name, either silently or aloud. Glory and praise to you, our Living God.

We remember our most glorious and blessed virgin Mary; Hilda; Patrick; and all the saints. We offer  ourselves and one another to you, O God, through Jesus Christ. Glory and praise to you, our Living God.


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