Faithful God, you came as a child to live among us and share in the joys and sorrows of life on earth. We thank you for the wonder of your arrival, which we honor today. Bless and unite all who minister through your church. Let the heavens rejoice. Let the earth be glad.
God of power, we ask you to lend your wisdom to our leaders, to Joe, our president; Kamala, our vice president; Jay, our governor; our senators, representatives, and justices. Support them in their duties, and keep them mindful of the diverse population who looks to them for help. Let the heavens rejoice. Let the earth be glad.
God of might, guard and strengthen those who serve our community. Bless, we pray, medical professionals, police officers, delivery drivers, dispatchers, caregivers, transportation and food service workers, and the friends and families who wait for them. Let the heavens rejoice. Let the earth be glad.
King of every loving heart, you show us your affection through the caring members of this blessed congregation. We thank you for the people who worship with us. Bless those who travel and return them safely to us. Let the heavens rejoice. Let the earth be glad.
Ruler of Life, we ask you to restore wholeness to those whose hearts are broken by war and conflict. We give thanks for the courage of rescuers, protectors, and peacemakers. Let the heavens rejoice. Let the earth be glad.
Compassionate God, you walk beside us through our troubles, laugh and weep with us, and hold us in your hands. Bless, we pray, those for whom this holy season is disturbing or sorrowful. We ask you to bestow your peace upon those who are sick, or lonely, or agitated. Let the heavens rejoice. Let the earth be glad.
God of splendor, your angel showed your glory to the shepherds with their flocks. Have mercy now, on those who have died, and reveal your eternal glory to your hopeful servants. Comfort, we pray, those who grieve. Let the heavens rejoice. Let the earth be glad.
God of Eternity, you gave us the Holy Family as a vision of joyful duty and love. We give thanks for the relationships in our lives. Bless those who have come to us through birth, adoption, marriage, friendship, and service. Let the heavens rejoice. Let the earth be glad.