December 24: Weekly Prayers

God, our savior, give to your church the humble heart of Mary. In our lives and ministries, let it be  with us according to your word. We pray for the Episcopal Church in the Philippines; and for the faith  communities of Good Shepherd, Vancouver; and St. Luke’s/San Lucas, Vancouver. We proclaim your  greatness. Our spirits rejoice.

God, our savior, give grace to your bishops, priests and deacons. Bless Michael, our presiding bishop;  Melissa and Brian, our bishops; Joseph, our priest; and the person who will become the next Bishop of  Olympia. Strengthen all your ministers according to the proclamation of Jesus Christ. We proclaim your  greatness. Our spirits rejoice.

God, our savior, you cast down the mighty from their thrones and lift up the lowly. May both the  mighty and the lowly, and all those in-between, experience the amazing depth of your great mercy. We proclaim your  greatness. Our spirits rejoice.

God, our savior, you long for the hungry to be filled with good things. Bless us to work with you to  bring forth good food and drink from your precious earth. We proclaim your  greatness. Our spirits rejoice.

God, our savior, we ask you to do great things in our city, in our neighborhoods, in our region. We proclaim your  greatness. Our spirits rejoice.

God, our savior, you ever remember your promise of mercy. Be merciful to the lonely, despised,  sorrowful, and sick. Speak good news into sad hearts; Come to the help of the needy. We pray for all  who struggle with addiction and recovery, especially those who meet in our building, and for those  who have commended themselves to our prayers: Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; Tiffany and her family; Sharon; Deborah, Dona, and their family; Paul;  Monica; Mary Lou; Matthew; James; Sara; Elliott; Robin; Vickie; Liddy; and those we now name, either  silently or aloud. We proclaim your  greatness. Our spirits rejoice.

God, our savior, nothing is impossible with you. May all those who have died find a place in the  eternal kingdom of your Christ. We pray especially for Monica; and those we now name, either  silently or aloud. We proclaim your  greatness. Our spirits rejoice.

God, our savior, we pray for those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week, especially  Valerie; Kenneth; Genoa; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. We proclaim your  greatness. Our spirits rejoice.


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