November 19: Weekly Prayers

Creator God, we pray for the faithful in every land, wherever we worship and work in your name.  Bless our clergy leaders, including Michael; Melissa; Brian; and Joseph, as well as all lay leaders. We  ask your blessings on All Saints Goshen, who use our space to worship, and for recovery groups who  are based at St. Hilda St. Patrick. Precious Lord, Hear our prayer.

In the Diocese of Olympia, we pray today for St. Luke’s and St. Stephen, Seattle. In the Anglican cycle  of prayer, we remember The Church of the Province of Myanmar. Precious Lord, Hear our prayer.

For elected and appointed officials, and all who have power and authority in our world, we pray for  wisdom, humility, and compassion. Precious Lord, Hear our prayer.

May this Thanksgiving time be a season of healing – healing of illness, addiction, distrust, fear,  poverty, and intolerance. Help us to acknowledge the pain and trauma of our neighbors as we work  for a brighter future. Precious Lord, Hear our prayer.

For your children around the world who are experiencing armed conflict, human trafficking,  incarceration, forced migration, or any kind of misfortune, we pray for peace and justice. We pray  especially for the people of Israel, Gaza, and Ukraine. Precious Lord, Hear our prayer.

Bless, we pray, these special people who need our love and support: Vickie; Liddy; Hannah; Rhonda  and her family; Elliott; Christine; Sandy and her family; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim;  Richard; Suzanne; Karen; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. Precious Lord, Hear our prayer.

We pray for your comfort for people who mourn and those who have died, including those we now  name, either silently or aloud. Precious Lord, Hear our prayer.

We keep in our prayers our local towns and cities, all our neighbors, and those we love who are  celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week, including those we now name, either silently or  aloud. Precious Lord, Hear our prayer.

For our mother earth – for all living creatures, clean water and land, fresh air, abundant fields, and  seasonable weather, we give you thanks. Help us as we strive to protect your creation. Precious Lord, Hear our prayer.


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