June 25: Weekly Prayers

O God, we pray for the faith and fellowship of our church, for the work we aspire to do in your name,  and for our leaders, especially Joseph, Melissa, and Michael. In the Anglican Communion, we pray for  the Church of Bangladesh; in our Diocese of Olympia, for St. Andrew’s, Tacoma; St. Luke’s Memorial,  Tacoma; and Holy Spirit, Vashon. For these and all your Church, we pray. Gladden our souls, Lord. Great is your love.

For the leaders of our nation, especially Joseph and Kamala; for their choices, their families, and their  many constituents; for justice in their governance; for these and all who lead, we pray. Gladden our souls, Lord. Great is your love.

For the beauty of the earth; for the bounty of life that you put in our care; for the care of all creatures  and the protection of your creation; for these and all you’ve made, we pray.  Gladden our souls, Lord. Great is your love.

For our friends and neighbors; for the means and resolve to feed and house everyone in this  community; for passers-by to always find the table of St Hilda St Patrick set with good food and an  open seat; for these and all matters of our community, we pray. Gladden our souls, Lord. Great is your love.

For the world at large; for safety in travel; for peace among nations; for the repairing of the breach  and the work we do to make amends both in the United States and throughout the world; for the  forgiveness we seek and the forgiveness we grant; for these and all of humanity, we pray. Gladden our souls, Lord. Great is your love.

For help in times of sickness, sorrow, and need; for your grace and healing, especially for those who  have commended themselves to our prayers: Karen; Alec; Imani; Thiago; Michael; Celia; Joanne; Marsha; Nathan; Emily; Marsha; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard;  Suzanne; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. For these and for mercy, we pray. Gladden our souls, Lord. Great is your love.

For rest, for salvation; for the life of the world to come; especially for those who have passed: Noelle;  Laura; and those we now name, either silently or aloud; for these and the comfort of your  presence, we pray. Gladden our souls, Lord. Great is your love.

For the marking of time by the events that make us happy; for the joy of walking this world with each  other; for birthdays, especially of Gretchen; Russell; and Brandon; and for anniversaries, including Ben & Kati; Pat & Edie; and those we now name, either silently or aloud; for these and all  celebrations, we pray. Gladden our souls, Lord. Great is your love.


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