February 16: Weekly Prayers

Gracious God, we pray that your will take root in our lives. Give strength to all your people as they  work and witness in your world. Hear our prayers for Phil; Sean; Joseph; our new St. Hilda-St. Patrick  Bishop’s Committee and Convention delegates, for all our church ministries; and for All Saints Goshen.  In the Diocesan cycle of prayer we also remember Good Shepherd, Federal Way; St. Columba’s, Kent,  and in the Anglican cycle of prayer, we pray for The Church of Bangladesh. We ask for blessings and  healing for Central Lutheran Church, Seattle, and for its pastor Paul Eldred.  

Hear us, Lord, we put our faith in you.

Many of us are hungry, angry, confused, ill, worried, and powerless. We pray for everyone who is  struggling, and also for the recovery groups who meet in our church. Grant us enduring faith as we  strive against oppression and despair in our communities. 

Hear us, Lord, we put our faith in you.

Deliver us from war and violence of all kinds; and grant wisdom and healing to the victims and  perpetrators of violence everywhere. 

Hear us, Lord, we put our faith in you.

Guide leaders who govern and judge in every nation to do so with humility, respect, and a yearning  for justice and fairness. 

Hear us, Lord, we put our faith in you.

Help us to fight the evils we face every day, including prejudice, antipathy, poverty, homelessness,  and environmental degradation. Your light guides and sustains us as we struggle to meet the needs of  all your people.

Hear us, Lord, we put our faith in you.

Many of our friends, families, and neighbors are especially in need of your tender mercies and grace  today, including Daniel; Dawn; Abby; Alex; Vicky; Alec; Aria; Dale; Rick; Troy; Emilio; Ian; Barbara;  Christine; Sue; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; Nancy; Sandy; Emily; Helen; Verne; Tim; and  those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

Hear us, Lord, we put our faith in you.

We pray for family and friends we have lost from this earth and who are now in your loving embrace.  Bless those who miss them. We ask you to mercifully receive the soul of Demetrius Frazier, and the  souls of all who die at the hands of their governments. We remember Angela; Ray; Giles; and those  we now name, either silently or aloud. 

Hear us, Lord, we put our faith in you.

We thank you for renewing our strength, refreshing our spirits, and bringing new life and new light to  our lives and to the world. Today we celebrate the birthdays and anniversaries of those we now  name, either silently or aloud. 

Hear us, Lord, we put our faith in you.


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