October 13: Weekly Prayers

Holy God, give us grace to follow Jesus. Fill us where we are found lacking. Purge from us all those  things that would cause us to stray from the path Jesus has marked for us. We pray for your church  and its ministers, especially Michael, our presiding bishop; Sean, our presiding bishop-elect; Phil, our  bishop; Joseph, our vicar; and Carola, our interim presider. We ask your blessings upon the Episcopal  Church in the Philippines; the faith communities of Christ Church and St. Andrew’s, Seattle; and the  congregation of All Saints Goshen. 

Be not far from us, O God, for we put our trust  in you.

Almighty God, we pray for all those who feel forsaken. We pray that you will hear the bitter  complaints of the oppressed and forlorn. Answer their cries and be their deliverer. 

Be not far from us, O God, for we put our trust  in you.

Creator God, you are great in power and yet you sympathize with us in our weakness. Reveal yourself  to us through the vast diversity of creation. We stand in awe of your severity and your delicacy.

Be not far from us, O God, for we put our trust  in you.

Bless, great healer, all doctors, nurses, and those who work for the wellness of others. May your grace  always precede and follow them, that they may be good stewards of their gifts and remember that all  life and healing come from you. We give thanks for all people who administer your healing, including  those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

Be not far from us, O God, for we put our trust  in you.

Holy One, from birth until even this moment your loving gaze has never faltered. Just as you did for  our forebears, Heal and deliver those who trust in you. We pray for those who have commended themselves to our prayers: Tim; Michael; Ellie; Mariam; Mandy; Irina; Daniel; Emilio; Ian; Barbara;  Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; Will; Janette; Nancy; Sandy; Emily; and  those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

Be not far from us, O God, for we put our trust  in you.

O God, for you all things are possible. Only by your grace are we saved. Grant us, with all those who  have followed your Son in ages past, eternal life. We pray for those who have died, especially Ellie;  and those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

Be not far from us, O God, for we put our trust  in you.

Joyful God, we thank you for our friends and loved ones who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries  this week, especially Joseph; Topher; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.

Be not far from us, O God, for we put our trust  in you.


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