September 15: Weekly Prayers

Bless your church, O God, with wisdom. Make our souls holy and grant to us your friendship and love.  We pray for Michael, our presiding bishop; Sean, our presiding bishop-elect; Phil, our bishop; Joseph,  our vicar, and Carola and Mark, our interim presiders. We offer our gratitude for the help given us by  Bishop Melissa. We lift up to you in prayer the Church of Nigeria; and in the Diocese of Olympia, all staff; commissions; committees; and programs. We pray also for the congregation of All Saints  Goshen, who worships in our building. 

Spirit, direct our hearts. Spirit, rule our  hearts.

O God, inspire a love for wisdom in the leaders of the nations, in the leaders of communities, in the  leaders of people. Give us the will to raise up leaders who heed wisdom’s cries.

Spirit, direct our hearts. Spirit, rule our  hearts.

The heavens declare your glory, Blessed Creator; the firmament shows your handiwork. Give us ears  to hear, eyes to see, and mouths to sing your praises. We give thanks for the blessings of this life we  now name, either silently or aloud. 

Spirit, direct our hearts. Spirit, rule our  hearts.

We pray, O God, that you guide and direct those who work in the financial and business sectors. May  they desire your righteousness more than much fine gold.

Spirit, direct our hearts. Spirit, rule our  hearts.

Messiah Jesus, it is you who gives light to the eyes and rejoices the heart. We pray for those in need  of your touch. Renew the tired, the sick, and the struggling. Bless those who have commended  themselves to our prayers: Loretta; Irina; Daniel, Kary, Natalie, and their family; Michael; Tim; Deb; Dave; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; Will; Janette; Nancy; Sandy; Emily; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

Spirit, direct our hearts. Spirit, rule our  hearts.

Lord Christ, you are life and you are salvation. Keep those who have died as your own forever. Today,  we pray for Laura; Steve; Nancy; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

Spirit, direct our hearts. Spirit, rule our  hearts.

God who brings joy, we thank you for our friends and loved ones, especially those celebrating  birthdays and anniversaries this week, including those we now name, either silently or aloud.

Spirit, direct our hearts. Spirit, rule our  hearts.


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