July 21: Weekly Prayers

Loving God, through the waters of baptism you have accepted us as members of your household.  Through Christ Jesus you have made us your dwelling place. Have compassion on our weakness. Work  powerfully through your church. Bless Michael, our presiding bishop; Sean, our presiding-bishop elect; Melissa, our bishop provisional; Phil, our bishop-elect; Joseph, our vicar; and Carola and Mark,  our interim presiders. We pray for the Anglican Church in Japan; and for the faith communities of St.  Christopher’s, Olympia; and St. John’s/San Juan, Olympia. 

Compassionate God, have mercy on us.

Lord Jesus, you proclaim peace to those who are far off and those who are near. You make strangers  and aliens into citizens of your kingdom. We pray for the safety of candidates running for public  office, and for all public servants. Bless the congregation of All Saints Goshen, and all the groups who  use our building. We give you thanks for your welcoming, steadfast love, and for the blessings of this  life we now name, either silently or aloud. 

Compassionate God, have mercy on us.

Loving God, your covenant with your creation you will never break. Give us the will to live at peace  with all you have made. 

Compassionate God, have mercy on us.

Lord Jesus, you look at the hungry and poor with compassion. Fill our hearts with the same  compassion. Inspire us to serve those with whom we share our communities. 

Compassionate God, have mercy on us.

Lord Jesus, in your presence is healing and strength. We bring to you our sick and suffering. We lift up  to you those who have commended themselves to our prayers: Michael and his family; Becky; Nick, Carol, and their family; Alex & Kim; Arianna; Sandy; Sharon; Ron & Cristy; Emily; Emilio; Ian; Barbara;  Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; Will; Janette; Nancy; and those we now  name, either silently or aloud. 

Compassionate God, have mercy on us.

Loving God, we commend to you the dying and the dead. Bring them, we pray, into that heavenly  country, where with Hilda, Patrick, the apostles, prophets, and all your saints, they will live forever  with Christ Jesus. Today we remember Laura; Steve; Nancy; John; and those we now name, either  silently or aloud. 

Compassionate God, have mercy on us.

Loving God, we give thanks for our loving companions, especially those celebrating birthdays and  anniversaries this week: Carol; Pat; Meng; Gavin & Tiffany, and those we now name, either silently or  aloud. 

Compassionate God, have mercy on us.


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