Loving God, we pray for your church and for your people in every place. We give you thanks for our vicar, Joseph, as he continues his time of renewal; for Carola, who is presiding for us during Joseph’s absence; for Michael, our Presiding Bishop; for Sean, our Presiding Bishop-elect; for Melissa, our Bishop provisional; for Phil, our Bishop-elect; and for all lay leaders.
God of Grace, we put our trust in you.
Holy One, we pray for the missions and ministries of St. Germain, Hoodsport; St. Benedict’s, Lacey; St. Mark’s, Montesano; and the Church of Ireland. Today we also ask your blessing on the congregation of All Saints Goshen, who worships in this building.
God of Grace, we put our trust in you.
Blessed Lord, we pray for all nations, lands, peoples, and families.
God of Grace, we put our trust in you.
Almighty God, we thank you for all that is magnificent and abundant in the world, and for mercy, justice, and peace.
God of Grace, we put our trust in you.
Loving God, we pray for those who are hungry, homeless, ill, in despair, or in bondage. We remember those battling addiction, especially those who meet in our building. Today we especially ask for your blessings on these people who need our love and support: Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; Will; Janette; Nancy; Alex & Kim; Arianna; Sandy; Sharon; Ron & Cristy; Emily; Laura; Vicky and her family; Charles; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.
God of Grace, we put our trust in you.
God our Savior, we pray for all who have died, and all who mourn them, including John; Eva; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.
God of Grace, we put our trust in you.
Gracious Lord, we pray for the victims of war and conflict, and for those who are vulnerable or homeless in heat-ravaged areas.
God of Grace, we put our trust in you.
Caring God, we pray for Joe, our president, Jay, our governor, for judges, for those standing for election, and for all people in authority, that they may lead with generosity and kindness.
God of Grace, we put our trust in you.
Holy Lord, we pray for our communities, for all who are travelling, and for people we love, including those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week: Valerie; Glenn; Keri; Paige & Jeff; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.
God of Grace, we put our trust in you.
Compassionate God, you teach us through love. Help us to abide by your word and example, and truly show mercy and grace to all our all our neighbors, whoever they may be.
God of Grace, we put our trust in you.