June 23: Weekly Prayers

We call to you, O God. Hear our prayers for the Church. Set us upon the sure foundation of your  loving kindness. Open wide our hearts to accept your grace. Bless Michael, our presiding bishop;  Melissa and Brian, our bishops; Phil, our bishop-elect; and Joseph, our vicar. We pray for the Church  of England; and for the faith communities of St. John’s, Snohomish; and All Saints Goshen.

We put our trust in you, answer with your peace.

We call to you, O God. Hear our prayers for the world. You are known by your acts of justice. Let the  hope of the poor be not taken away. 

We put our trust in you, answer with your peace.

We call to you, O God. Hear our prayers for all creation. Even the wind and the sea obey your  command. Speak peace and life to all you have made. 

We put our trust in you, answer with your peace.

We call to you, O God. Hear our prayers for those who live without a place to call home. You are a  refuge for the oppressed, a shelter in time of trouble. Do not forsake those who seek your help. Leader: We call to you, O God. Hear our prayers for those in any kind of need. You do not forget the needy.  They are ever in your thoughts. You hear the cry of the afflicted. Fill down-turned mouths with songs  of praise and rejoicing. Bless those who struggle with addiction and recovery, especially those who  meet in our building. We pray for those who have commended themselves to our prayers: Emily;  Laura; Vicky; John; Charles; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne;  Karen; Will; Janette; Nancy; and those we now name, either silently or aloud 

We put our trust in you, answer with your peace.

We call to you, O God. Hear our prayers for the dying and the dead. You are the God of life. You lift  your people from the gates of death. We commend to your mercy all who have died, especially Eva;  and for those we now name, either silently or aloud. 

We put our trust in you, answer with your peace.

We call to you, O God. Hear our prayers for those friends who are celebrating birthdays and  anniversaries this week: Michael; Gretchen; Russell; Pat & Edie; and those we now name, either  silently or aloud. 

We put our trust in you, answer with your peace.


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