The Rev. Joseph Peters-Mathews is the vicar of St. Hilda St. Patrick. The sermon for March 3, 2024 was preached in response to John 2:13-22 based on the notes below.
Cycle: Ash Wednesday, Lent, Triduum, Baptisms, Easter, Pentecost – groundwork with 1 Corinthians and John
Jesus cleanses temple before Holy Week in synoptics. Casino cashier.
Beginning of ministry? John’s focus -> victory over death, Lazarus, murder plot
Jesus predicts death two years in advance! Only time destruction of temple is from him, not witnesses – including a false one
The cross doesn’t make sense; it’s against our natures, usually, to be so self-sacrificial
Some may focus on the crucifixion and its brutality, but more important is the willing to give up oneself
Can’t figure out salvation or save ourselves because of the foolishness. We want to logic it, but love isn’t logical
Christian story is humility: born into humanity in lowly estate, dying a criminal’s death all out of love.
Miracle seekers and philosopher’s won’t be satisfied by the perceived weakness of this kind of giving. It’s what God does, though.
Fully incorporated into death and resurrection through grace at baptism. Jesus keeps giving himself as we come back to the table.
Strength for the journey, for the fast, for the renewal of promises – with God’s help