January 21: Weekly Prayers

Powerful and loving God, guide Your Church to follow Your ways. In the Anglican Communion we pray  for The Church of South India (United); and in our diocese we pray for St. James, Kent; St. George,  Maple Valley; and St. Luke’s, Renton. Bless our presiding Bishop Michael; our Bishops Melissa and Brian; our priest Joseph; and for the congregation of All Saints Goshen who share our building in  worship. 

God, give us grace. To answer Your call.

Glorious God, guide everyone with worldly power, that they may repent of evil and turn to good.  Together let us seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the disenfranchised, and plead for the  powerless. Let us not deny humanity along partisan lines, nor keep silent in the face of injustice.

God, give us grace. To answer Your call.

Savior of the nations, shield our world from the calamities of war, genocide, and climate crisis. Bring  about healing and peace for the glory of Your marvelous works. 

God, give us grace. To answer Your call.

Holy Creator, we ask Your care for our congregation and local community. We pray for our unhoused  neighbors and all who use our sock box and food pantry. Be with those who struggle with addiction  and recovery, especially those who meet in our building. 

God, give us grace. To answer Your call.

Saving Christ, be a refuge and comfort to all who are lonely, depressed, underprivileged, incarcerated,  and those who sacrifice privilege to work for justice, human rights, and peace. Be with those who  suffer or are in any trouble, especially Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard;  Suzanne; Karen; Helen, Mariam, and their family; Hannah; Tiffany and her family; Sharon; Deborah,  Dona, and their family; Paul; Vicky; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.

God, give us grace. To answer Your call.

Glorious trinity, heal all broken hearts. We pray today for the departed, especially Monica; and those  we now name, either silently or aloud. 

God, give us grace. To answer Your call.

Heavenly Spirit, we give thanks for Your abundant blessings as we celebrate birthdays and  anniversaries. We ask your blessing upon Chelsea; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.

God, give us grace. To answer Your call.


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