April 30: The Fourth Sunday of Easter

Luke’s point is that in life in Jesus we are drawn to care for one another, to care for all of our neighbors and the whole of creation, and that the Spirit empowers us and draws us into that care. … In Jesus’ defeat of death, in the sending of the Spirit, and in our gathering together to continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of the bread, and in the prayers, abundant life has been made available to us.

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April 23: The Third Sunday of Easter

The problem of how to live in a world ruled by empire whose appetite for domination must consume and kill even the incarnate God is an incredibly difficult problem. This problem is solved by walking. The mystery of the eucharist interweaves transcendent categories of time, identity, divinity, and ritual. It is the central Christian activity. Both the walking of the way and the breaking of the bread are only possible in community.

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April 9: Easter Day

Christ is risen from the dead trampling down death by death and to those in the tombs bestowing life. We are confronted by death every day on the news. From global wars to shootings in schools to complications with pregnancies. Easter doesn’t make those hurt any less. Easter doesn’t take away the reality that death surrounds us. Jesus died at the hands of sinners and Mary going to mourn is how she found the good news that he didn’t stay dead.

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