December 17: Weekly Prayers

God of heaven and earth, shine forth through Your Church. Today in the Anglican Communion we  pray for The Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea; and in our diocese we pray for St. Stephen’s,  Longview; and St. Peter’s, Seaview. Bless our presiding Bishop Michael; our Bishops Melissa and Brian;  our priest, Joseph; and all who lead and support our congregation. We ask special blessings on the  congregation of All Saints Goshen that shares our building in worship. Come, Emmanuel, prepare our spirits.

King of kings, we pray for our president, Joe; vice president, Kamala; governor, Jay; and all members  of the legislative and judicial branches of government. Guide our nation’s leaders to govern with grace  and mercy. Come, Emmanuel, prepare our spirits.

Everlasting God, bind together the hearts of all humanity. Help us work as one to support the welfare  of all people and to heal Your creation. Let our divisions cease. Come, Emmanuel, prepare our spirits.

Wonderful Counselor, we ask Your care for our congregation and local community. Let us give and  serve with a spirit of abundance. We pray blessings on those who use our sock box and food pantry,  and for our unhoused neighbors this winter season. We also pray for the original inhabitants of this  area, the Snohomish people, and their successors, the Tulalip Tribes. Come, Emmanuel, prepare our spirits.

Prince of Peace, restore us to right relationship with You. Teach us the path of wisdom, and guide us toward restorative justice for the lonely, the exiles, and the captives. Today we especially remember those who fear violence in their land or in their homes, as well as anyone who is suffering, including  Paul; Monica; Mary Lou; Matthew; James; Sara; Elliott; Robin; Vickie; Liddy; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Karen; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. Come, Emmanuel, prepare our spirits.

Mighty God, you put death’s dark shadows to flight. Be with those who grieve, comforting them with the knowledge of Your victory over the grave. In our prayers today we remember those we have lost, whom we now name, either silently or aloud. Come, Emmanuel, prepare our spirits.

As we prepare to celebrate Your Son’s incarnation, we also remember the many other celebrations in  our lives. Thank you for the birthdays and anniversaries of Carol; Sandy & Bob; and those we now  name, either silently or aloud. Come, Emmanuel, prepare our spirits.


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