Gracious God, we pray for the work of the Church across the world, that she may restore all people to unity with You and each other. We ask your blessing on those who support the Church as leaders and volunteers. Today, in the Anglican Communion we pray for The Anglican Church of Kenya, and in our diocese we pray for Bishop Skelton and the bishop’s staff; as well as all Commissions, Committees & Programs of the Diocese. We continue to pray for all groups that use our building, especially the congregation of All Saints Goshen. In peace let us pray. God, have mercy.
Great Shepherd, guide our country’s leaders to build a nation that truly is a refuge to the poor, needy, and distressed. Let our gentleness and peace be known to everyone. In peace let us pray. God, have mercy.
Exalted Savior, in a world of ruthlessness and death, we shall fear no evil. Today we remember the people and leadership of Israel and Palestine, and ask that justice, mercy, and peace may reign. Guide us to help everyone who struggles in the work of the gospel. In peace let us pray. God, have mercy.
Lamb of God, lead our congregation along right pathways. Let us continually be driven to good works within our communities. In our neighborhood, we pray especially for those who use our sock box and food pantry. In peace let us pray. God, have mercy.
God, in Your goodness grant mercy to all who suffer or are in any trouble. We especially remember those who have commended themselves to our prayers: Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Sandy and her family; Elliott; James; Celia and her family; Jackie and her family; Macy; Emily, Paige, and their family; Karen; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. In peace let us pray. God, have mercy.
Gentle Spirit, wipe away the tears from all faces. We pray for those who have died and for all who grieve. We especially remember Detlef; Gary; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. In peace let us pray. God, have mercy.
Beloved Creator, we praise the many wonderful things You have done. With thanksgiving, we celebrate this week’s birthdays and anniversaries: Joseph; Topher; Loretta & Russell; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. In peace let us pray. God, have mercy.