September 3: Weekly Prayers

God of glory, give your church ardent spirits in your service. Bless Michael our presiding bishop;  Melissa and Brian, our bishops; Joseph, our vicar; and the person who will be the next Bishop of  Olympia. We pray for the Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean; and for the faith communities  of Huston Camp & Conference Center, Gold Bar; St. Andrew’s House, Union; and the Refugee  Resettlement Office. We sing our thanksgiving. And recount your wonderful deeds.

God of justice, make our national leaders conscious of the example they set. Let them value what is  noble in the sight of all they are sworn to serve.  We sing our thanksgiving. And recount your wonderful deeds.

God of abundance, we struggle to cope with the damage done to the good earth you have given us.  Lend us the power to heal the natural world. We sing our thanksgiving. And recount your wonderful deeds.

God of love, we are grateful for the caring, generous community of St. Hilda St. Patrick. We welcome  the congregation of All Saints Goshen to worship in our building. May our hospitality ever spread  outward to our neighbors.  We sing our thanksgiving. And recount your wonderful deeds.

God of mercy, we know you walk beside us through our troubles. Bless those engaged in recovery  from addiction, especially those who meet in our building. We pray for those who have commended  themselves to our prayers: Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Suzanne; Macy; Emily, Paige, and their family; Karen; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. We sing our thanksgiving. And recount your wonderful deeds.

God of splendor, welcome with your angels those who have died. Open the gates of your kingdom to  those who have served you in the hope of resurrection. We pray for Sandy; and those we now name,  either silently or aloud. We sing our thanksgiving. And recount your wonderful deeds.

God of joy, we ask your blessing upon the friends celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week.  We pray for Chris and Valerie; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. We sing our thanksgiving. And recount your wonderful deeds.


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