The Rev. Joseph Peters-Mathews is the vicar of St. Hilda St. Patrick. The sermon for August 6, 2023 was preached in response to Luke 9:28-36 based on the notes below.
Fear and following. Fear and following. That’s what this passage is about for us today.
Disciples struck scared by God’s presence. Ineffable. Dazzling.
Scared from Jesus’ prediction: will die in Jerusalem. Maybe scared from Peter’s proclamation of Jesus being the Christ.
Maybe punchy. Weighed down with sleep but remained awake. Guard down to see what’s truly happening – fear can’t get in the way.
Law and Prophets. Fulfillment. Continuation. Next chapter but more: Actually God
Behind on pledges for the year. Deficit budget. Anxiety for future. Fear for future.
Even with all their fears God’s voice speaks to them.
Cloud, presence of God. Glowing face, presence of God. God is the clear actor in this passage. The rest are side characters for God’s activity
“This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!” same thing as at baptism. Public ministry -> ministry on behalf of the world, setting face to Jerusalem
“Listen to him” is important – going to Jerusalem to die, listen to him. Death won’t be the end. The Messiah, the one who is finally come, but in a way you don’t expect. Listen to him.
Throughout this story God is in control. In our fear and anxiety, God is in control.
Told no one then, but after the resurrection they remembered and it made sense. Peter writes about it in epistle.
God is in control, need not fear. God is in control, we experience his glory. Time to tell others. God is in control, will all work out.
Even in our fear God tells us to listen to Jesus, and to follow him in the Way.