June 11: Weekly Prayers

God of wonders, you indicate to your church what is right by your blessings. We pray for Michael, our  presiding bishop; Melissa, our bishop provisional; and Joseph, our vicar. We pray for the Anglican  Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia; and the faith communities of Christ Church,  Puyallup; St. Matthew’s, Browns Point, Tacoma; and All Saints, Tacoma. Relieve our doubt, O God, by your glorious faithfulness.

God of truth and boundless love, strengthen us to confess the truth of ourselves. In this month of  pride in diversity, give us courage to love ourselves and others as you have made us. Renew our  commitment to respect the dignity of every human being. Relieve our doubt, O God, by your glorious faithfulness.

God of justice, bring peace to the hearts of those who would exploit fear and hatred for political gain.  Protect those who suffer oppression and abuse on account of their identities. Reveal to them God’s  encompassing of all genders, identities, and loves. Relieve our doubt, O God, by your glorious faithfulness.

God of love, may our church community of St. Hilda St. Patrick shine as an example of welcome and  inclusion. Make our house a place of healing. Bless those who struggle with addiction and recovery,  especially those who meet in our building. Relieve our doubt, O God, by your glorious faithfulness.

God of creation, bless those who travel across your good earth. Keep them in health and bring them  safely home to us. Relieve our doubt, O God, by your glorious faithfulness.

God of compassion, you make your presence felt where anyone asks for hope. We pray for those who  have commended themselves to our prayers: Musong and his family; Alec; Imani; Thiago; Michael;  Celia; Joanne; Marsha; Nathan; Amy; Monica and her family; Karen; Emily; Emilio; Ian; Barbara;  Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; Marsha; Suzanne; and those we now name, either silently  or aloud. Relieve our doubt, O God, by your glorious faithfulness.

God of eternity, we ask your mercy upon those who have died, and comfort for those who grieve. We  pray for Laura; Lloyd; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. Relieve our doubt, O God, by your glorious faithfulness.

God of joy, we thank you for the friends celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week, especially Dawn and Kerry; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. Relieve our doubt, O God, by your glorious faithfulness.


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