Almighty God, we pray for your church and all who serve you, including Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Melissa, our Bishop Provisional; and Joseph. our vicar. In the Anglican Cycle of prayer, we lift up the Church of the Province of West Africa. In our diocese we pray for St. John’s, Gig Harbor; Faith, Poulsbo; and St. Andrew’s, Port Angeles. Risen Christ, walk with us.
Wise Counselor, we pray for the welfare of the world. Guide world and local leaders on the paths to peace. Assist and comfort displaced people and migrants trying to find a safe journey to a better life. Risen Christ, walk with us.
Great healer, keep us from wandering. Remind us of your unfailing love. Help us cast off the trappings and distractions of our consumer culture. Lead us to spend more dedicated time in your presence. Risen Christ, walk with us.
Lord of the Universe, ease the pain and damage of climate-related disasters. Guide us to honor your creation and the native inhabitants of this area, the Tulalip Tribes, successors to the original inhabitants of this area, the Snohomish people. Help us to be mindful of their legacy and be responsible stewards and protectors of your creation. Risen Christ, walk with us.
Blessed Redeemer, strengthen our communities, especially the vulnerable who need shelter and continued access to social and medical services. Improve services for permanent and temporary housing, employment, and food banks. Motivate us to use our resources to help others and advocate for justice and positive change. Risen Christ, walk with us.
Living and true God, we pray for safe journeys for those traveling. Guide us through the many challenges of travel. Widen our horizons as we interact with people in new settings. Risen Christ, walk with us.
Prince of peace, we ask that you would be with those who have commended themselves to our prayers: Karen; Kevin; Lisa; Ty; Rhonda; Amy; Emily; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; as well as those we now name, either silently or aloud. Risen Christ, walk with us.
Lord, we pray for those who have passed on before us. Surround them in your love and comfort us as we grieve their absence. We pray especially for Dolores; Yoong; and those we now name, either silently or aloud. Risen Christ, walk with us.
Almighty God, thank you for the many celebrations of our lives. We thank you especially for the birthdays of Will; Hannah; Greg; and Aspen; the anniversary of Joseph and Brandon; and the special occasions of those we now name, either silently or aloud. Risen Christ, walk with us.