Creator God, bless the faithful, those struggling to be faithful, our own church community of St. Hilda St. Patrick, and religious leaders around the world. We ask your blessings especially for St. John the Baptist, Seattle, and Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle, as well as for the Church of South India (United)
God of love, hear the cries of all who thirst for the living water; for those who are alone, in broken relationships or in difficult families, those who are neglected or incarcerated, and anyone who is on the outside looking in. Please bless all those who use our little pantry and sock box and those who attend the recovery groups in our building.
God of peace, we pray for those who yearn for freedom from violence and discord in battle zones, broken countries, and in our strife-torn communities. We are thankful that your grace brings comfort and hope.
God of justice, bless leaders around the world with wisdom, compassion, and knowledge. Guide officials, judges, government employees, and all who work for the people toward charity and integrity.
God of healing, deliver from suffering those who are sick, tired, unemployed, heartbroken, hungry, homeless, lonely or grieving. Especially in our hearts today are: Emily; Nathan and Crysta; Roy; Megan and her family; Sean; Emilio; Ian; Barbara; Christine; Sue; Giles; Denice; Jim; Richard; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.
Holy Spirit, we pray for all who have died, and entrust them to your love and care, including Ella; Ron; Nakota; Barbara; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.
God of mercy, we ask your blessings today on those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, including Shelia; Anne; and those we now name, either silently or aloud.
God of light, we thank you for accompanying us on our Lenten walk, and for encouraging us to find humor and grace amidst the darkness. Help us to be inspired by your love and guided by your example.