September 27th: Proper 21, the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

Jesus doesn’t need the last word, doesn’t need to be right. God’s love for humanity poured out in Jesus’ life and death, makes Jesus higher than the emperor. His amazing humility is how he is raised to have the name above all names. Jesus’ humility conquers death itself, opening to all of creation the newness of life. This Paul tells us today is the life we are called to live, a life worthy of the gospel he says elsewhere in the letter.

September 27th: Proper 21, the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Read More »

September 20th: Proper 20, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

God gives everyone from God’s generosity. Salvation doesn’t come because we’ve worked harder and longer because we’ve earned it. Salvation — the full restoration of life and health — comes because of God’s goodness and Jesus’ self-sacrifice. The disciples were looking for a military leader, someone to overthrow Rome. They were looking for the master’s tools to dismantle the master’s house. God’s reign, manifest in Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and ascension, doesn’t do that.

September 20th: Proper 20, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost Read More »

September 6th: Proper 18, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

In marking those out of bounds things — like personal, interpersonal, specific racism as well as systemic racism — the Church cares enough about the cruelness that is abandoning ourselves to sin and the compassionate reprimand calling us back from its path…Life in community is messy. It’s particularly messy when we’ve vowed in our baptisms to live a certain standard and proclaim Jesus’ truths. This passage from Matthew gives us opportunity to heed the call of repentance and intend to lead a new life following God’s commandments.

September 6th: Proper 18, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost Read More »

August 25th: The Burial of Dr. Marcos Valle

Jesus the resurrected Christ has
command over death. In Marcos’ baptism — as we’ll be reminded shortly in our prayers — he was joined to that resurrection. Marcos has died, but death has been defeated. He has gone on ahead with Jesus to that place Jesus prepared for him and for us. In Jesus’ Father’s house are many dwelling places. Many mansion is how the King James version puts it. And we’re here tonight, praying for Marcos as he moves closer to God.

August 25th: The Burial of Dr. Marcos Valle Read More »