July 2020

July 26th: Proper 12, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

We don’t see yeast as it works its microbial magic and makes dough rise. We can’t see with our naked eyes how a plant — any plant — grows at the cellular level from a seed to be a large bush. This is what God’s reign is like…God’s reign is creeping all around us, started by God becoming human in the person of Jesus who defeated death and the grave, opening eternal life to us all. In God’s own time there’s so much bread that it has to be a party.

July 26th: Proper 12, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Read More »

Bishop’s News: Stewardship and Giving During a Pandemic

“Even with our buildings closed, we are still the church, alive and well, and working every day, creating an environment, and issuing and walking the call that comes from the gospel and our Lord to redeem this world.” Bishop Rickel offers his gratitude for the generosity he has seen since the start of the COVID-19

Bishop’s News: Stewardship and Giving During a Pandemic Read More »